Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Term Paper

My paper is not wanting to copy and paste on here, and i am unable to add any kind of file. so i am gonna try it again tomorrow!

I have to say though that there were some great presentations today! I loved that there were a couple more creative takes on Nabokov. And james with the index.. haha i will definitely have to be reading that, i can only imagine how great that will be to read through. i loved that parker felt brave enough to write a screen play for PF. and the little bit that he did write was great! Sexson said that Kari will be writing one as well so i am excited to hear what she comes up with!

i cant believe that the last class is upon us. i feel like i have learned so much this semester about our novels, but at the same time i feel like there is proabably 1000 more things to learn and be discovered.