Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Last Blog

Wow.... i cant believe that today is that last day that our class will be meeting. like i had said last time, i cant think that we have done all the discovering, and all the learning a class can about Nabokov. I'm just hoping that a lot of what we have been able to learn this year spills over into the capstone class with Sexson and some more discovering will continue to take place. i am sad that we didnt spend more time on ALL of the texts we read...i feel like even though there may have been a hundred and one discoveries (most likely more than that) there is still so much more that can be discovered about Nabokov and his complex , seemingly crazy characters. i will miss not reading Nabokov next semester, but i do know that because of this class i will be reading much more of him. and i really think that i want to do a full re reading of all the texts we read. especially Lolita. and Pale Fire, ha ha ha i guess all four!

there were a couple of really wonderful last minute presentations today. I loved Kari's reading of her screen play, great job Kari! i laughed the entire time and was completely intrigued by all that you did with PF. Jon Orsi did a pretty wonderful impersonation of Sexson today.... i had the giggles throughout the entire time he was in front of class!

I had a great experience learning about nabokov and cant wait to read 'The Orginal of Laura' most likely a christmas break reading. Thanks Sexson for a great ride in the world of Nabokov

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Term Paper

My paper is not wanting to copy and paste on here, and i am unable to add any kind of file. so i am gonna try it again tomorrow!

I have to say though that there were some great presentations today! I loved that there were a couple more creative takes on Nabokov. And james with the index.. haha i will definitely have to be reading that, i can only imagine how great that will be to read through. i loved that parker felt brave enough to write a screen play for PF. and the little bit that he did write was great! Sexson said that Kari will be writing one as well so i am excited to hear what she comes up with!

i cant believe that the last class is upon us. i feel like i have learned so much this semester about our novels, but at the same time i feel like there is proabably 1000 more things to learn and be discovered.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Term Paper Presentations

All i have to say is that everyone in our class that presented today was brilliant! i absolutely loved Brittini's own commentary of PF. very creative and full of energy just like her! i was actually slightly surprised that there werent more 'creative' like papers. for some reason i had the thought that most people would be doing something along the lines of Brittini.
Christina did a great job! she is a wonderful writer and it was a treat to be able to listen to her entire paper....
Riley was probably my favorite presentation today. the fact that he was the only person in our class to read Nabokovs latest 'the orginal of laura' and write his paper on it was pretty awesome! and him explaining how it took him 6 to 7 times reading the book to finally feel like he has figured it out juat amazed me! great job! all in all , the presentations were wonderful, and will hopefully help me a little bit while im finishing mine up!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

'What we have done for ourselves always dies with us; what we have done for others and the world remains and is immortal' Albert Pike
i was actually watching Law and Order i believe... either way one of those justice will be served type shows, and this quote was at the end of the show. right away i thought about Nabokov.... i have been thinking that what i would write about would be how Nabokov has left an immortal existance behind with his writings, and i felt this quote really captured that, but, it made me start to think about Nabokov as a person as well. It is easy to skip by what he was for himself and the close people around him and just get to the point of what he has done for the english literature world. but what was he really like?? what did he do for himself? when he wrote was that all he needed to fulfill the want and expectance all have for their own lives? these questions just kept coming to mind and i couldnt stop thinking about that. of course i can go to wiki and get a "bio" of the author, but nothing really seems to get past what he DID or what people thought of him. Even "Speak Memory" makes me think that he is just an illusive person that no one will ever have to pleasure of meeting someone like him....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Day 1 of Group Presentations

Well i must say that i am glad to have the presentation over with. It is always nice to get something big like that done , and its really great that it is done before thanksgiving break! which is a break that is really needed at this point of the semester.

i thought that all the groups did a wonderful job today. i will confess that a couple things went over my head, but once each group was able to explain their presentation everything fell into place. i guess one couldnt really expect anything less than what the groups did... it is in fact a Nabokov class!
i would have to say my favorite one was group number 2.. at least i think it was group 2! the one that was like a talk show with all the 'main' characters of PF and Lolita. Claire playing hazel was great! she really played the part and all the words that she was writing on the board were great! i loved how the group had thought of all those words to transcribe infront of the class... even though i dont think all the class got them all right away... very 'Knobokovian' making the audience stay on the edge of our seats!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Final paper ideas and group projects!

I think that i have finally decided what i want to write my term paper on. i feel that through out the semester Nabokov has a strong connection to many of his characters, especially Humbert Humbert. they seem to share some of the same aspects of life thinking through their writing and obsessions. and with these aspects i think it is possible for a person to see into their souls, or at least a glimpse into their souls. i feel like it may be far fetched to compare nabokov to Humbert but i have felt that they share something undescribable from the moment we read "Speak Memory" and "Lolita".

as for group presentations, i am very excited! i cant wait to see what all the other groups have come up with and what they have discovered!

I wish that we would have been able to spend more time on TT. i feel like we might have gotten some of what is going on in that complex text, but really i felt slightly sad when we ended class and knew that we wouldnt be discussing it in more depth. hopefully there will be a group presentation or even a term paper that focuses on TT, that will be interresting to see what the classmates have come up with on their own.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

well due to the huge amount of snow i have found myself completely snowed in... and therefore not able to make it to the test... i sure hope i can make it up! :)

so i have decided to start Transparent Things.... lets see how that goes... hopefully i can get through it a bit easier than the other Nabokov novels!